Monday, February 7, 2011

Cup o' Joe

So many days of snot streaked breastmilk soaked clothes, highlighted with smoky sweet coffee ranging in temperate and pallet from freezing cold left on the counter while chasing toddlers and changing infants to chunky burnt remnants like sour tobacco from forgetting to turn off the pot. Finding moments like these to release the well of thoughts with that just right coffee still fresh and creamy dripping letters from my fingertips trying to illustrate the wellings of being a person like waters in a tidal flow. I thought I would write about hats. I thought I would write about fibers. I think I will write about anything I thought when I think I want to instead. Orion just catapulted off the coffee table - I do not own such furniture as the more flat surfaces that I provide the more imminent the climbing and the jumping become. However, we are staying with family in a time of transition - out of the broken mouldy tree house overlooking the glimmering river and mountains that poisons babies filling lungs with water... maybe to a grassy hillside to join our goats? On the sunny side that southern exposure offers? We shall see. In the interim we climb furniture, leaving a trail of crumbs behind us and a frantic mommy with a broom and a rag. Its a good day for a cup of coffee.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

In the winter time,,,

I wish I blogged more. Honestly I don't blog on this computer nearly as much in part because it isn't updated enough to even aknowledge buttons for me to push like: add pictures. So I just have to blindly guess what it might say when my cursor passes over something and changes from an arrow to a hand with a pointed finger. Today is a beautiful Icy day. Though it is beginning to drip a bit now, the sun is setting soon and I imagine it will be muy slick out there, like it was all morning. Although I have enjoyed this indoor day, my only dissapointment lies in that I cannot get to the store to buy gray and navy yarn for a special request hat that someone ordered for their babe last night. I expect with this warm front though (upper twenties, low thirties as opposed to fifteen) that I will be able to get out and drive tomorrow. I have spent the day instead with my sweet little children in their jammies, running about the house wildly. I have been out to gather many bundles of wood and spent much time stoking and repositioning the fire. Baked three loaves of herbed tomatoe bread, the kind that turns out so pretty because you smear it with egg yolk, it looks like fake play bread sometimes, I swear.

The children and I read stories about the winter solstice, their favorite if Johanna and the spindle which I actually needle felted a doll set to go with the story for them in September.

I brought Daphne (my youngest angora rabbit) in for her brushing today, George was yesterday but I am thinking Daisy might still make it in for tonight. I felt the need to stop and share my day a bit, maybe I can get back into the swing of bloggerryness. But now I shall off tho sew doll blankets with my little ladies and string cranberries for our tree. I really do love the winter.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

KBOO Grateful Dead is playing a great live rendition of 'Sugaree' in the background this fine rainy morning while I sip on sweet creamy coffee from local shop Java Jazz. I hadn't been there before but I saw they had taken on new ownership and switched over to all organic espresso and local products so I decided to indulge myself with the righteous flag of local support waving between my eyes and my wallet :0) Now here I sit nursing Orion on the brink of nap time (maybe my caffiene indulgence isn't helping him) waiting to stitch up my new fabric order from Vegela at Etsy. Hemp muslin pants dance before my eyes dipping themselves in vats of plant dyes and the hemp cotton jersey just keeps changing into different clothing articles with each nursing moment that goes by - little boy long sleeves to a new hooded shirt I think I must have....Orion's eyes have closed. This morning I have been spinning on my new larger drop spindle a roving called Maine Blueberries again from Etsy *shop handmade damnit* Mainewoodsyarn and am making a beautiful delicate twist. I have been really into spinning lately and my favorite yarn I just finished spinning looks exactly like a ragged tye-dyed dress I have loved literally to pieces for years now and I still hold on to the scrap of what it once was intending on creating something new from its tattered stained cloth. Glad just to post a little piece of my warm cozy existence this morning, been a minute.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Felting is Fun!

Having recieved an adorable little felting kit from Green Mountain at Etsy, I immediately had to purchase some poundage (and extra needles as I lost mine in an intsant) from a bigger supplier: Peace Fleece. Yay for felting! Bears and sheep and dollies oh my! Been so busy needlefelting I haven't posted in a long time - oh yeah and I have been busy with those four kids of mine :) Isn't that a great playscape they created for their bear?

Been knitting alot of hats for this upcoming winter, just developed a nice earflap edition of the classic which I am very pleased with and opened a line called the Waldkinder winter knits. Having been fascinated with a mothering article on kindergarten being held in the Swiss mountains, warm and wooly knits for little wandering forest children have been on my mind!

Waldkinder apperantly means 'forest child' in German and what an appropriate term for my little winter troopers! Amazingly inspired I began knitting and knitting booties and hats and scarves galore! Now onto mittens and little bags for woodland treasures and oh so much more!

Just a short post today with a two year old sucking his thumb in my lap and an organic pink hat to knit for a babe with a nineteen inch head I do indeed need to be on my way! Love and Blessings to All!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

We're Bloggin'

Yay! We are up and blogging! what should I write? I guess a good solid hello and who we are would probably do, huh? Hello! 'We' is Codilollyskye, so far it's not much but a seed in soil has room to grow! Codilollyskye is a little crafty mama business featuring organic knits for baby, healing herbals and bath/body products and we're working on some stitched items, hopefully you'll see them pouring out soon!
Codilollyskye is a combination of my (Alyssa, that's me) four children's names: Lacoda River (Cody), Lillian Rain (Lilly), Oliver Steven (Olly) and Orion Skye. They make lovely inspirations and models for our products and pretty darn good kids too. To the left here is little Oliver, he just turned two years old and he is shown in a 0-24 month sized Organic cotton hat in Skye blue.
I am really into Organic and natural materials and am delving into wool felting as soon as my wool arrives in the mail via great site! I am pretty excited, I feel very drawn and inspired to do this craft. Right now I am making baby booties and hats and am soon to be posting them as sets. I have made mittens and scarves for my own little family and now is definitely the time to be getting those out there as well! I can't wait to embellish my creations with little felted wool pieces! As you can probably imagine it is rather difficult to carve time out to do the crafts I am so inspired to create with all my little kidlins running around, however I do expect to see some new things floating your way soon. We would love to get some feed back, what do you think? Email us at or...